Acer Aspire M5630

Acer Aspire M5630, as of 2015.

This is the one! I got this computer in June of 2008, and it lasted until the beginning of 2010, where it had a very strange failure. It was this incident, which got me into the field of building my own computers. I didn’t know how or why it failed, but I wasn’t about to be without my desktop, so I had to put together a replacement.

It wouldn’t be for years, with much more repair experience gained, until I managed to get it to work again. Along the way, I re-cased the computer into another case virtually identical – which is why the pictured model number says “M5620” rather than 30. The original board continues to work, all the way to the beginning of 2023!


  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
  • Mobo: Acer (ECS) EG31M
  • RAM: 2GB (iirc)
  • HDD: WD Blue 500GB, model WD5000AAJS (still original!)


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